The first was this Trumpeter Swan at the 3 Oaks ponds. This was the potential county lifer I unsuccessfully and only half-heartedly chased last winter, figuring I'd run into one eventually. I was hoping this wouldn't be a semi-tainted 300th Berrien bird. Instead it comes it at 297. It was giving some honking call notes that I hadn't heard since my Washtenaw days.

As we were driving through Three Oaks, rolling up the windows and trying to remember which dove cadence was White-winged and which was Collared (for the record, White-winged is the Barred owl knock-off and the Collared is ca-COOO-coo) a chunky square-tailed dove flew across the road, flew parallel to the truck, and landed in a roadside snag. We turned down an alley (in front of a cop who promptly pulled a U-y to investigate our strange behaviour) and found the bird in the preferred portrait position for Collared doves, arse-on.

[An early NAB article about collared doves and their ID is also reviewable from SORA here. - added 4/9/10]
I won't rehash Trumpeter Swan in the Midwest arguments, but suffice it to say we found 2 birds quite rare in the county (I hadn't encountered either in the nearly 4 years I've been living here though I did see the doves the last time they were in Berrien), but both with fairly checkered histories. Bottom line, I'd trade them both for a White Pelican.
Since both piccies are somewhat sub-par, here's a Red-breasted Nuthatch from Tiscornia yesterday...