Sunday, October 25, 2020

Sani Canopy Tower, part II

 Picking up where I left off here (after a ridiculously long period) with probably my favorite morning of the Ecaudor trip, a morning in a canopy tower in Ecaudor's amazonian lowlands

The Great Potoo was pretty asleep at this point.

I'm treating this Golden-bellied Euphonia as my 1500th life bird.  The exact order of birds was a little hazy, and the eBird lists didn't get done until the trip was done so we'll just go with this one.

And it's possible that the above bird is a female Rufous-bellied (like the male below).  Clearly I need to go back and see these birds again.

No ID issues with Gilded Barbet, and my best view of this species.

Treetop tanagers are always nice to have at eye level.  These are Opal-rumped Tanagers

And the other end of the showy little bird spectrum, Slender-footed Tyrannulet, I would assume a close cousin of Central America's Mistletoe Ty (which has since been re-named)

Similarly this Purple Honeycreeper is likely Shining Honeycreepers analog

Finally one of the white-throated toucans.  We saw a few Ivory-billed Aracaris (the only ones of the trip, but they were super uncooperative for a photo so we'll roll with the big ol toucan)

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