Thursday, August 12, 2021

mangos in the heat

Mexico is hot in the afternoon!  As we worked our way into the state of Chiapas we stopped at a mango plantation.  For as hot as it was, there was a decent amount of activity.

This Golden-fronted Woodpecker though, was panting in the heat.

Alex was able to tape in a few Giant Wrens without too much effort.

There were various kiskadee class flycatchers, anis, caciques, and saltators working the edges of the orchards.  I don't remember if these Orange-chinned Parakeets were in mangos or a different fruiting tree.

A female (or immature male?) Rose-throated Becard teed up pretty nicely.  I've seen males in Costa Rica ... but the race there is gray throated.

We'd seen an immature roadside hawk in the morning, but did see an adult in the afternoon.

Finally a truckload of mangos headed to market.  I may have sampled a few windfalls reachable from the road's shoulder ... they were delicious!  Prior to this trip I'd only had the bigger Peruvian ones, but the yellow Mexican ones, while smaller, are every bit as sweet and easier to eat.

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