Friday, February 21, 2020

into the Shiripuno jungle

After spending Day 1 of the trip getting to Ecuador, and Day 2 getting into the Ecuadorian Amazon, Day 3 dawned with great promise.  We headed (where else?) into the woods.  Led by our guide's guide's guide (more on her in later posts) we started working the jungle.  The birds came in ones and twos, a few antshrikes and medium-large woodpeckers, before we rounded a corner and our guide's guide spied this Yellow-billed Jacamar.

It was fairly cooperative, and a lot lower and closer than just about anything we found on this walk.

No need for our guide, guide's guide, or guide's guide's guide for this one, Spangled Cotinga was spotted by one of the group as we searched for a calling woodpecker.

Tota, the guide's guide's guide, (or Dota? we were never quite sure) spied this White-crowned Manakin.  Given that she spoke mostly Wauroni (and honestly I think less Spanish than I do), figuring out what or where she was looking took some doing, but most of us got there in the end for this bird at least.  She seemed to know the trails well though.

This was the biggest glasswing-type butterfly that I've come across.

And this seemed to be in the wood-satyr class, but again twice as big.

Finally a minute waxy flower whose relation I won't even attempt to guess

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