Saturday, September 15, 2018

Rare tanagers at Mashpi

We spent all morning at the feeders at Mashpi, and for good reason.  Jose knew that with patience more birds would keep coming in (and that the rain would keep coming down; we could stay under a shelter here), and he was right.

This is an Orange-breasted Fruiteater
Fruiteaters tend to stay in the canopy and usually don't move around a lot (and contrary to my title aren't tanagers).  Given that they're colored like leaves they're not easy to see.  A number of fruiteaters were possible, but this was the only species the group saw (I think Jose heard at least one other over the course of the trip).

Golden-collared Honeycreeper is a difficult bird to find anywhere so we were fortunate to see a pair here.

Indigo Flowerpiercer is a rare enough bird that even Jose was taking photographs.  We actually would see two of them.  The color doesn't come through great in the gloomy light, but the blue was deep and as intense as the red in the eye.

Finally another uncommon Choco endemic, Black Solitaire.
They can probably be found more easily farther into northwestern Ecuador, but I'm going to venture to say that the roads into that section of the world would not be considered easier.

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