Thursday, April 12, 2018

Tandayapa rain

They don't call it rain forest for nothing.

After a few days in high elevation habitat we awoke well before the dawn at Tandayapa lodge.  Awoke to the gentle soft chirps of frogs.  To the pattering of rain.  To a variety of moths fluttering about the walls.  Did I mention the rain?

We spent much of the morning working the porches of the lodge in attempts to stay dry (or dry-ish).  The birds didn't mind the rain though and activity was fairly steady in little fits and starts.

There was a large blacklit sheet just off one of the porches that attracted moths and other insects.  The birds were also interested in them.  This is a Montane Woodcreeper

Flycatchers started appearing as well, this is Golden-bellied

 Followed by the tiny Ornate.

 The ornate seemed patterned almost more like a manakin than a flycatcher.

Warblers were a familiar shape though.
Slate-throated Redstart varies from reddish underparts in Mexico and grades into yellow by the time it reaches South America.

But this being South America there were more unfamiliar shapes too.  This is a (decidedly subpar) shot of a Streak-capped Treehunter.

Book study paid off when a couple more furnarids appeared for a couple of us.
This is Scaly-throated Foliage-gleaner

followed by Buff-fronted Foliage-gleaner.
Foliage-gleaners were as active as a gnatcatcher or chickadee, but the size of a catbird and not easy to get good looks at as they dove about the leaves in the wet gloom.

Crimson-rumped Toucanet was a little easier to ID.
There were barbets and tanagers about as well, but they stayed mostly high and I'll save their pics for when they came a little lower later in the trip.

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