Sunday, January 22, 2017

almost another Ross's Goose

I drove a bit of a central county route this afternoon.  Mary Jo and Marie were looking at a pair of White-fronted geese at the Scottdale Rd flooding when I drove up.

Four more white-fronts flew in, thought about landing, circled, and then landed across the road, drawing my eye to the Ross's that was sitting distantly close to some grapevines.

I tried a few more spots not finding much aside from Mute Swans and was heading toward home when I noticed a bunch of geese at the Anna Lane Flooding.  Not terribly surprisingly there was a Ross's type in with them as well.

It has some blue wartiness to the bill base...

but the head is less round than yesterday's Ross's Goose

And you can see that the bill base has a decent amount of curvature where it meets the face.
A curved bill base is generally accepted to indicate some Snow Goose in its not-so-recent ancestry; this bird is likely an integrade.
After finding this bird I actually drove back to Scottdale to make sure that the original Ross's was still there; it was.

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