I returned to it about halfway through the trip to visit the well-attended cluster of feeders for mid-elevation hummers.
Crowned Wood-nymph is one of the more common species. I'd never really noticed the bronzy crown that this next bird shows.
It's old name was Violet-crowned Wood-nymph so perhaps this was a young bird, or maybe it was just the lighting.There really aren't many other small to medium sized purple hummers in Costa Rica, but there are in Panama; the forked tail this bird frequently flashes is a pretty good mark for it (here it faces down a Rufous-tailed).
Another look at the male on the left with its forked tail and the female on the right. The female might appear somewhat nondescript and generic, but the buffy gray throat that extends far down onto the breast is fairly unique.
Finally a Green Hermit. There were a few around, though they typically didn't spend long at the feeder
Wonderful post, Matt! Gorgeous birds.