The best bird of the trip appeared a couple hours into day one. Our eyes were mostly scanning for a larger storm-petrel coming into the chum slick or watching at horizon level for a rare petrel to come knifing by, but there's a reason to look up on pelagics. Tropicbirds are prone to making high-altitude appearances as they check out a boat. I don't know who saw this bird first, but a call of TROPICBIRD! suddenly spread through the crowd.
Most surprisingly, it's a Red-billed.
White-tailed is the more expected species; I didn't even study the difference between the two leading up to the trip I thought it was so unlikely.
While these birds are apparently pretty common if your Caribbean cruise goes by (or makes port at) the right island; not having done that, this was my first Tropicbird of any kind. The bird had very thin wings, but fairly powerful buoyant flight with the curved wings beat relatively shallowly.
A last look at the bird watching the ocean's surface (it ignored the squid Kate was tossing).
Nice! Looks like this trip was superior in every way, especially being exempt from the bad puns of certain fellow birders.