Saturday, June 18, 2016

a ten-year-old Hazelnut

Hazel, my oldest kid, turned 10 earlier this week.
She likes to release the dragonflies she catches off her nose if you can believe that.

My brother sent her the coolest legos I've ever seen, can you ID the birds?
 Left to right it's a Eurasian robin, Green Violet-ear, and Blue Jay.
Here with Hannah...

Here she's holding a Unicorn Clubtail.
 It's very similar to Lilypad Clubtail.  Both have very narrow S3 and S4 side stripes (the vertical stripes on the body under the front wing), but Unicorn has a lot more yellow at the very end of the abdomen (tail).

Finally a Spatterdock Darner, the first one I've caught in a few years.
 Some of the Darners will bite; I didn't let her go nose-to-frons with this creature.