Rancho didn't just have hummingbird feeders, they did the fruit feeders common at mid-elevation places as well. I didn't really take any photos of Montezuma Oropendolo this trip, but when a Chestnut-headed Oropendolo landed on the feeders I was pretty excited, never having had a close look at this species.
Tanagers were mostly represented by three common species, Blue-gray,
and Passerini's (this one is a female). I didn't get a great shot at any of the black and red males though last year managed one of the essentially identical Cherrie's tanager.
I forget whether this is a White-shouldered or a White-lined Tanager.
There were a couple species of saltators around, as well as more Bay-headed Tanagers and a few Green Honeycreepers, but neither of the latter two came in to the fruit. Gray-headed Chachalacas would however.