Saturday, March 1, 2014

it's a jungle in the front yard

Semi-random pics from walking around the Isquinas grounds at lunchtime...

Female Great Curassow.  Last year I managed a similar pic of a male at Arenal.

As the name implies, Common Tody-flycatcher is pretty easy to find in the lowlands on either slope. They seem to fill more of a gnatcatcher niche though

Random flower from the grounds, I think some flavor of bromeliad.

I'm pretty sure this is a Dirce Beauty.  It's head-down, but patterned to make a bird think that the head is up.

The ever-present leaf-cutter ants.  You can see a pretty deep canyon they've eroded on the right as their path drops down slope before heading back upslope.  It'd be interesting to try to estimate how many million ants were streaming along their paths.

I found this Wedge-billed Woodcreeper on the lodge grounds as well.  On the Caribbean side they're the most common woodcreeper; this was the only one I saw the whole trip.

Stripe-throated (Little) Hermits were fairly common here, we saw several but they were quite difficult to photograph.

Finally a Spot-crowned Euphonia that was singing on territory.
The pattern of a euphonia song is paced a little slower than a Yellow or Chestnut-sided Warbler but has a lot of buzziness at different pitches mixed in; we heard a few different ones over the trip but the pattern wasn't really fitting until near the end.

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