Monday, March 24, 2014

dry forest hummingbirds

After the morning boat ride and lunch, we had time for one last habitat, the dry thorn forest along Guacimo Road.  A lot of birds reach their southern-most range in that area, this last afternoon provided probably 15 trip birds despite birding it in the heat of the day.  I wasn't quite sure how to break it up into manageable chunks so I just pulled out the hummers for today, the rest of the birds tomorrow.

I'd been surprised to see Long-billed Starthroat a few days prior, I was just as pleased to see Plain-capped.
 This is the sharpest/least over-exposed pic, but it's kind of misleading.  Plain-capped has an eyebrow stripe and Long-billed just a white pip behind the eye.  The angle of this pic makes it look like it just has the pip; other pics do show the eyebrow stripe much better.

A young Green-breasted Mango was working the same set of trees.
 We found the adult farther down the road.

A Cinnamon Hummingbird was my last lifer hummingbird for the trip, a bird I'd hoped for but missed a decade or so ago in Belize.  They seemed to have slower wingbeats than other hummers I've encountered.

Finally a shot of Steely-vented Hummingbird, a bird we'd seen several times over the course of the day but which was a bugger at getting to hold still long enough to really see well.

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