...by rarity at least.
On our last morning at Esquinas we checked the caymen pond, seeing a Gray-necked Wood-rail.
We continued on but on our way back to breakfast passed another group (ironically looking for the wood-rail). We'd gotten no more than 50 feet past them when an Agami Heron walked out into view. They called us back
This beautiful tropical river heron is regular only at Crooked Tree in Belize (where I've actually seen it) and some place in Paraguay. This is the 4th or 5th state record in eBird.
We watched it for a while as it looked for fish, which it soon spotted.
... and lunged forward ...
... coming up short...
... only to attract some very unwanted attention. Abandon ship!!!
Enter the bow wave of the caymen
It came up short too.
The caymen swam over to check us out after coming up short on Agami breakfast.
The heron retreated to the safety of the riverbank
It's been brought to my attention that it's actually spelled "Caimen," save the Y for trips to the islands.