Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Beginning of the end

Our last full day dawned warm and clear at the resort at Punta Leona.  As always, Rufous-naped wrens were prominent and social.

We took a random brushy trail up a hillside (I forget what the trail accessed at one time).  It was rapidly being reclaimed by the jungle.  Vernon set up pishing by a likely looking thicket with fairly impressive results.  Our second Gray-headed Tanager of the trip popped up, in a quite different habitat than the day's before.
 The birds were fairly diverse, ranging from Great-crested Flycatcher to Scrub Euphonia, to more Greenlets, a Steely-vented Hummingbird missed by most, and 2 Long-billed Gnatwrens.  They were just as difficult as you would expect to get to hold still for a pic.
 Rose-throated Becards in CR don't have rose throats. 

Finally a Streaked Flycatcher that perched right next to the bus.

The pink base of the bill and reduced malar stripe separates it from Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher.  We'd seen one the day before, this was the first time I felt I could see those points well however.  It's a bird of the Atlantic slope in Mexico and the Pacific Slope in southern Central America.  It looks like it's everywhere in South America per eBird.

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