Thursday, September 5, 2013

My first good lake bird

Given that I've been so hard up for yearbirds of late I figured I'd take the blog down memory lane.  In 2006 when we moved here Chris Barrigar and Tim had been seeing  Little Gulls at Tiscornia the last week of August.  I had a lot of holes on my Michigan list in the gull section since they're just so hard to chase.  I'd made a couple trips to the beach hoping for the Little Gull (and missed one by about 10 minutes), but the luck turned around Sept 1 when a cracking juvie landed on the beach behind me.

It was hanging out with a flock of Common Terns that would fly in and fly out, back and forth from the river water to the beach (kind of like what the terns were doing earlier this week too).

This was back in the days of digi-scoping and I took what (for then) was a lot of pics, probably 30-40.
You just don't see them in this crisp of plumage very often, if a bird cooperated like this now I'd come home with at least an order of magnitude more pics.  Flight shots were tough back in the digi-scoping days.
Last year my only Little Gull was a year ago tomorrow, I'll keep my fingers crossed.

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