Saturday, January 12, 2013

First and best grebe of 2013

Of course I reserve the right to change the title should a Clarks lose its direction.

Here's the Western Grebe that's been ringing in the New Year at Tiscornia.  It took me a few days (and Tim's direction) to locate it.
Here's a look at its other side...
Clark's is eliminated by the dull yellow-green bill with fairly extensive dark bleeding in on both mandibles (it would have much more orange tones and is supposed to have a much cleaner dark line at the upper edge of the upper mandible), as well as the black well below the eye and the crown, neck, and back being the same shade of black.
With this, the Solitaire, and the California Gull I've managed 3 birds that can't be counted on for a county year list.  Last year it was mid-May before I had 3 birds this rare.

I'm not sure how many butterfly records there are for Michigan in January, but I saw this guy fluttering on one of my lights in the kitchen earlier this week.
I'm assuming that it hatched from an unseen chrysalis in the Christmas tree or a centerpiece.

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