Friday, April 29, 2011


Tim picked out this Bittern at Lincoln Twp Beach Park this morning, easily the best bird I've had in the county this year. It's only the 2nd I've seen in the county (the previous one Andre's from April 30th a few years ago), and probably only about the 6th I've seen/heard in my life at all.
It was nice to have a bird that would sit still and let me play around with exposure settings.

The sun was a little high to be really ideal though.
This Tree Swallow at Three Oaks was showing off its iridescence, though it was pretty hard to really capture. I should have tried a little harder to get some more light on the face.

If I can get a few more shots of Common Terns I may have a medium-sized tern post in me, but Caspians at least are an easy ID...

Finally, after a Black-throated Green "sparrow" yesterday foraging on the ground, here's a White-throated "warbler" in the Forest Lawn canopy.

With Wilson's Phalaropes, a decent year bird yesterday, and American Bittern, a good year bird today, we'll see if we can keep the momentum going tomorrow with some actual migration winds forecasted.

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