This bird was either oblivious of me standing outside the edge of the drowned thicket at Floral, or else secure in the knowledge that I couldn't get in. It was still hard, though, to get clear shots through the vegetation.
Here's the byline bird, a juvie Mourning Dove. A week ago we started seeing this year's crop of Horned Lark (a scaled bird commonly mistaken for Sprague's Pipit). Mourning Doves are usually the first juvenile I see; last year they also appeared in the first couple days of May. This one's been out of the nest for at least that long. Their scaliness could conceivably make a person think of an Inca Dove.
This yellowthroat was the only even semi-cooperative warbler I encountered today (at Tiscornia).
I'm used to seeing either adult males or else the plain fall birds that skulk far less than breeders. This (presumed) adult female bird has more of a subtle mask than the fall birds. Dunn and Garrett state in the Peterson Warbler guide that first spring males are essentially indistinguishable from older males.
Red Admirals have been abundant at Tiscornia of late. American Ladies (below) are also becoming very common.
Red Admirals have been abundant at Tiscornia of late. American Ladies (below) are also becoming very common.
Terrific photos of the Sora, Matt!
Very lovely photos. I loved the Sora too. I haven't had a chance to get out to Tiscornia since there was still snow on the ground.