Saturday, April 12, 2008

Hermit thrushes aren't really hermits

Walked down below the house this morning at last finding decent numbers of hermit thrushes tup-tupping about in the pines and edges of the woods. They certainly seem to be more social than the other catharus thrushes. None were singing yet. I hunkered down at one point along the path where a neighbor had cut their portion of the woods causing the birds to bottle-neck as they foraged north. I slowly followed a group of 3 birds without getting very close when after a few minutes another bird flew up within feet of me then moved back on a clear branch for by far my best pics of them yet.

I spent some time trying to decipher which see-see were the golden-crowned kinglets and which seee-seeee were brown creepers with varying degrees of success. Remarkably the creepers were year birds for me, a marker that I havn't been getting out as much as I should have (also that I didn't get the suet feeder going this year either).

The other day took a decent picture of some hepatica which, along with the tiny harbinger-of-spring, were the only wildflowers up, but today bloodroot was open, along with some of the cut-leaved toothwort. The Dutchman's Breetches aren't far away.

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